Hunter in orange with his deer and rifle.

Three Hunting Lessons I Learned From My Dad. 

Hunting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them:

Are you a budding hunter excited to tackle challenges on your family hunting trips? Let’s dive into why my dad and I faced hurdles and discover the secrets to a successful hunting experience. We’ll chat about hunting lessons such as scouting, scent elimination, and the art of hunting on foot—key factors that can up your game! By understanding and addressing these aspects, you can significantly improve your chances of a successful hunting experience.

Scouting: A Game-Changer

My dad missed a crucial step—scouting, the prelude to hunting success. It’s like the roadmap to the jackpot! Explore your hunting area in advance, spot game trails, bedding areas, and wildlife signs. Skip this, and you might find yourself in uncharted territory, missing out on those game encounters.

Can you hunt land you never scouted? Sure. Would I plan my hunts that way? No. I also find a lot of joy spending time in nature and scouting gives me the chance to do that. I find it’s also helpful to look at locations different times of the year for different signs of deer.

Research backs this up. Successful hunters invest time in scouting, understanding prey habits and movements. It’s like having insider info for a successful hunt!

Scouting public land in Manistee National Forest.

Scent Elimination: Your Stealth Superpower

Our hunting hiccup? Not paying attention to scent elimination. Animals rely heavily on smell, a detail my Dad overlooked every time. He was a regular smoker and often didn’t think about how that impacted his scent. Manage your scent, and you become a ghost in the woods.

Recent studies shout out the importance of scent elimination. Sprays, soaps, and special clothing make you virtually undetectable, boosting your success rate. Make these tricks a routine to keep your scent under wraps.

During bow season you will need to pay more attention to your scent because typically you are closer to the deer. One budget-friendly tip is to hang your hunting clothes outside and don’t bring it into a warm house where it will pickup every smell.

If you want to invest in special clothing, you can try a ScentLok suit like I have. I rarely hunt during bow season without it.

Successful bow hunt in West Michigan on public land.

Hunting on Foot: The Art of Stealth

Moving on foot can be a game-changer if you find the sweet spot. Too much movement spooks wildlife. Slow and steady wins the race—use natural cover, move cautiously, and mind the wind direction.

Research suggests still hunting demands patience and awareness. Move like a ninja to increase your chances of a successful game encounter.

Getting out to your spot early is another good tip for making space if the deer got spooked by your movement. When you spend more time in the woods, you allow the deer to feel safe again and come back to the area where you made noise.

Hunting Lessons from My Mistakes

Reflecting on hunting with Dad, success isn’t just luck. Scouting, scent elimination, and still hunting are the secrets to a rewarding hunting trip.

Embark on your hunting journey with a game plan. Scout your area, master scent elimination, and perfect the art of still hunting. You’ll not only boost your success but also deepen your love for the great outdoors. 

Extra Resources for Hunting Lessons

Explore Michigan DNR’s site for vital resources on laws governing outdoor activities, including deer hunting. Access maps, learn regulations, and support conservation efforts for a fulfilling experience.

Want to go deeper? Check out this article about scouting whitetail deer.

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