Online Hunter Safety Course in progress
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New Hunter Loading: Online Hunter Safety Course

Day Three with Bayliee

Let’s dive into my experience teaching Units 5 and 6 of the Online Hunter Safety Course through Hunter-Ed. Hopefully, this offers encouragement and excitement for you to mentor a young person and share your hunting knowledge.

My niece and I are working through the Online Hunter Safety Course offered for Michigan certification. Bayliee and I have been working through all of the units and recently wrapped up on our third day of the online course, where we explored Units 5 and 6. It has been rewarding to share my hunting experience with the next generation.

The course is well designed with interactive content. There are videos to watch, simulations, games, and interactive content to keep her engaged. The course material also includes visual aids like diagrams, charts, and pictures to help illustrate important points in each unit. 

Muzzleloader Safety lesson
Muzzleloader safety in Unit 5 of the Online Hunter Safety Course

Unit 5: Primitive Hunting Equipment

Unit 5 opened up a new chapter of topics for Bayliee as we tackled primitive hunting equipment and techniques. We kicked things off with a deep dive into muzzle loaders, those timeless pieces of hunting gear that remind me of simpler times. Watching Bayliee’s eyes light up as she learned about measuring powder and loading pellets was like going back in time. She even giggled at the thought of the puff of smoke that accompanies firing a muzzleloader.

Of course, safety was at the forefront of our discussions. We covered everything from choosing the right propellants to the proper handling procedures during loading and firing. Bayliee’s attention to detail and eagerness to learn made my heart swell with pride.

Moving on to bows was another adventure altogether. Exploring the differences between longbows, recurve bows, and compound bows sparked Bayliee’s curiosity like never before. And when we discussed the importance of never dry firing a bow, she nodded along eagerly, soaking in every word.

Unit 5 Online Hunter Safety Course
Unit 5: Primitive Hunting Equipment

Unit 6: Being a Safe Hunter

Our second on day three was all about being a safe hunter, both in the field and during transportation. Bayliee’s enthusiasm remained unwavering as we discussed the proper handling of firearms, whether on foot or in a vehicle. The various carrying methods and scenarios provided ample opportunity for discussion, and Bayliee’s thoughtful questions showed just how seriously she takes her role as a future hunter.

As we delved into topics like firearm safety and range of fire, Bayliee’s focus was unwavering. She absorbed the information like a sponge, understanding the importance of being a responsible and ethical hunter. Watching her grasp these concepts filled me with a sense of pride that words can’t adequately express.

Being a Safe Hunter is covered in Unit 6

Hunter Safety Quizzes

As for the quizzes at the end of each unit, Bayliee faced a bit of a challenge with Unit 5 at first, scoring a 60%. But with some review and a second attempt, she aced it with flying colors, hitting the 80% mark needed to progress. The look of accomplishment on her face was priceless, and I couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride at her determination and resilience.

Online vs. In-person Hunter Safety

Reflecting on our experience, I couldn’t help but draw comparisons to when our sons went through the in-person course. While both methods have their merits, the online format offers a more flexible approach, allowing us to break the material into digestible chunks that cater to Bayliee’s learning style.

Hunting Incidents lesson
An important lesson about Hunting Incidents.

The Next Steps in our Hunter Safety Course

And seeing the principles we’ve covered in action, like when I watched a video of my son’s first deer kill, truly reinforces the value of this training. It’s not just about passing a test; it’s about instilling a mindset of safety and responsibility that lasts a lifetime.

Looking ahead to our next session, Bayliee’s excitement is palpable as we prepare to delve into Unit 7: How to be an ethical hunter. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us and how Bayliee continues to grow as a responsible hunter. The full study guide for the course is also online for preview.

Future Hunter in Progress

As I sit back and reflect on our journey thus far, I can’t help but marvel at how far Bayliee has come. From the eager, wide-eyed novice on our first day to the confident and knowledgeable young hunter she is becoming, every step of this journey has been a testament to her dedication and passion for the sport.

Watching Bayliee absorb each lesson with such enthusiasm and determination has been a truly humbling experience. It reminds me of the joy and wonder I felt when I first embarked on my own hunting journey all those years ago. And to have the opportunity to pass on that knowledge and passion to the next generation fills me with a sense of purpose unlike any other.

If you want to go back and start at the beginning of our experience with the Online Hunter Safety Course, you can check out Day One Success and further learning on Day Two Progress.

Until next time, happy hunting and stay safe out there!

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