A young hunter wearing orange and posing by his first deer.

First Deer Hunt

A Father-Son Adventure in the Michigan Outdoors

Embarking on your first deer hunt is a unique experience for any young hunter. It’s a blend of excitement, anticipation, and the challenge of making the right decisions in the field. As a father, I vividly recall my son Ethan’s initial venture into the world of hunting. His wide-eyed wonder and the moment he spotted his first deer created memories that will last a lifetime.

Heading Into the Woods

Ethan and I headed into the woods for his first hunt. We had planned to hunt on a family member’s farm property which consisted of heavily wooded areas along with agricultural food crops of corn and soybeans.

While he was engrossed in a book, I was on the lookout. A deer emerged from the edge of a wooded section that was adjacent to a soybean field we were overlooking. I waited curiously to see how long it would take for Ethan to notice. After about 15 or 20 minutes, he finally looked up, his eyes widening as he saw a deer standing before him.

My Son’s Transformation

It’s fascinating to witness a child’s reaction during such moments. They transition from a trance to an alert state, blinking less as they process the reality of encountering wildlife. It’s a quick and captivating transformation.

“Are you ready to shoot?” I asked Ethan, giving him the choice. He turned to me, inquiring if he should take the shot. Typically, I let the young hunters decide, guiding them through the process of evaluating whether the deer is suitable for their first kill.

Capturing His First Deer Hunt

In this instance, Ethan quickly identified the deer as a doe. With his decision made, my priority was to capture the moment on my phone, ensuring a lasting memory for him. Guiding him through the motions, I offered gentle reminders like “don’t put your finger on the trigger yet” and “look through the scope.”

For a beginner, it’s okay to momentarily divert attention from the target while dealing with the safety mechanism. Ethan smoothly transitioned through these steps, and as his guide, I encouraged him to keep steady focus on the deer. To assist with a steady aim, Ethan was aided by the use of shooting sticks to steady his shot. For a young hunter, it is suggested to use some form of a shooting stick device to relieve the weight of a gun that may be heavy for a young hunter to hold over a period of time. (Learn more about shooting sticks)

The Critical Moment

The critical moment arrived when Ethan was ready to take the shot. Aware of the adrenaline rush and nerves that accompany such a moment, I emphasized patience. “Hold your breath and release it slowly,” I advised. “Pull the trigger gently, so the crosshairs stay on target.”

Ethan successfully executed the shot, and the deer dropped where it stood. “I just dropped her” were the words he exclaimed when he saw his target fall. The joy on his face mirrored the satisfaction I felt inside. His choice of a powerful rifle had its advantages, ensuring a swift and successful first harvest. It was a one-and-done deal, just as I had hoped.

Capturing His First Deer Hunt

The process of recording the hunt on my phone added another layer to the experience. It was more than just capturing a trophy moment; it was about preserving the emotions, the thrill, and the raw connection between father and son. As a beginning hunter, Ethan learned not just the technicalities of shooting but also the significance of cherishing memories in the great outdoors.

Reflecting on Ethan’s success brought back memories of my other sons, Max and Lincoln, taking their first shots. Each experience was unique yet remarkably similar. The goal was to provide them with the opportunity to be in close proximity to their targets and allow enough time for them to settle in and calm their nerves before taking the shot.

First Deer Hunt Lesson: The Importance of Patience

One might wonder why the emphasis on patience and calmness during the shot. The truth is, the rush of adrenaline can cloud judgment and affect steadiness. By asking Ethan to slow down and wait, I aimed to ensure that his shot was precise and successful. It’s a crucial lesson for any young hunter—success lies not just in pulling the trigger but in doing so with control and accuracy.

Ethan’s choice of a firearm with substantial knockdown power played a pivotal role in his triumph. The satisfaction of a clean and ethical kill was evident, as the deer dropped instantly. For a beginner, this outcome is particularly rewarding, instilling confidence and a sense of accomplishment that will fuel their passion for hunting.

Post-Hunt Rituals and Respect

Transitioning from the excitement of the shot to the post-hunt rituals, I guided Ethan through the process of approaching his downed deer. Teaching respect for the animal and emphasizing responsible hunting practices is as important as the thrill of the chase. We shared a moment of gratitude for the deer’s sacrifice, acknowledging the role it played in the circle of life and providing sustenance for our family.

Bond Between Generations

As a father, it was gratifying to witness the pride and joy on Ethan’s face. Hunting is not just about bagging a trophy; it’s about the bond between generations, the passing down of traditions, and the deep connection with nature. It’s a journey that extends beyond the thrill of the hunt, encompassing moments of reflection, learning, and shared experiences.

The Ongoing Journey

Encouraging young hunters to delve deeper into their newfound passion, I realized the importance of fostering a love for the outdoors. The story of Ethan’s first deer hunt is not just an isolated event; it’s a chapter in an ongoing journey. For those eager to explore more aspects of hunting, from gear selection to tracking techniques, there’s a wealth of knowledge waiting to be discovered.

Encouraging Beginner Hunters

Aspiring hunters can find inspiration and guidance in various blogs and resources. Exploring these platforms provides insights from seasoned hunters, tips for ethical hunting, and strategies for honing one’s skills. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned hunter, the adventure never truly ends—it evolves with each new experience in the wilderness.

First Deer Hunt Success

For young hunters like Ethan, the journey is filled with learning, excitement, and the joy of success. If you’re a budding hunter, read more blog posts, seek advice, and continue honing your skills. Remember, each hunt is a unique experience, and the memories created will be cherished for a lifetime.

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