Three deer hunters wearing orange posing in a cornfield

A Father and Son Hunting Legacy.

A passion for the outdoors is born.

Have you ever wished you hunted as a kid? Have you considered the transformative power of timeless traditions and hunting adventures with my family? Join me as we explore the special tradition of hunting in my Dad’s footsteps and continuing a father and son hunting legacy. Let’s discover the meaningful rituals, shared stories, and important lessons learned during these timeless adventures.

The Eve of Michigan Deer Season

Recalling November 14, 1977, is a day etched in my memory. It marked the eve of the Michigan Deer Season opener, and my dad, a local truck driver and father of 7, had just arrived home from work. Opportunities to escape the grind of working to fulfill his own passions were scarce. However, every fall, Dad transformed our refurbished china cabinet into a gun cabinet, pulling out three guns carefully laid out on the kitchen table alongside a well-used gun cleaning kit.

Warm Traditions and Comfort Food

After finishing a plate of warm food, Dad, my three brothers, and I would gather around the table to give the guns one last cleaning before they headed towards deer camp. In case you missed it, the keyword here is “they”.

Father and Son Preparations and Rituals

After cleaning the guns and placing them into designated gun cases, I would then head off to bed under my dad’s direction. I shook his hand as I did every night, saying “good night,” and then went to my room. On this particular night, my mom nodded approval for me to lay in her bed. From there, I could see out the bedroom door into the kitchen. I watched my dad direct my brothers to gather their hunting outfits, boots, socks, hats, and gloves for the father and son hunt. Out loud to myself, I would say, “Don’t forget your hunting license!” This was Dad’s golden rule; forgetting your license meant you should not be going hunting with him.

Bedtime Reflections: Tears, Hunting Outfits, and Golden Rules

Continuing to watch my dad and brothers pack the gear and jars of chili for the journey to deer camp, I was far from falling asleep. Instead, tears silently rolled down my face, knowing I wouldn’t join them on this year’s hunt. According to Dad, I wasn’t old enough to join them for this week of the father and son hunting tradition. Maybe he didn’t want to contend with a nine-year-old son not yet ready to take that step or rite of passage. Either way, this fueled my motivation to uncover the magic of hunting in Michigan, particularly deer hunting.

A father and son hunting legacy of deer tales

I loved hearing all the stories from my father’s hunting years with uncles and cousins. Every detail always drew me in. As a famous father and son hunting quote goes, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” It was storytelling at its finest, but more than that, it was a reality of life that drew me in. I wanted to be part of that story and share my own stories. In the years to come, I changed all of this and made my dreams a reality.

Storytelling with my dad wasn’t the same as today’s interactions with kids. Technology has become very distracting and it’s so easy to use the internet or social media for entertainment. But getting kids outside has so many benefits! We have seen this first-hand with our family.

Beyond Tradition: Memories and Life Lessons

A father and son hunting legacy transcends tradition with memories and lessons passed down through generations. Kitchen table rituals and tearful goodbyes at bedtime. These shared experiences forge unbreakable bonds. If you’re curious about starting your own hunting journey, feel free to reach out with any questions—I’m here to help you kickstart your unforgettable adventure!

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